The Massachusetts Open Cloud

The Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC) is a new public cloud, designed and implemented in Massachusetts as the first “Open Cloud eXchange” (OCX) — a novel, transformative marketplace model for public cloud offerings.

The OCX marketplace model provides an open and customizable approach to the design and operation of cloud computing that stands in sharp contrast to the closed and prescribed solutions offered by today’s single-provider clouds.

Accordingly, in the MOC, multiple entities engage on a level playing field to provide computing resources and services as well as to add value to offerings by other entities in support of a wide range of data-driven applications.

Led by Boston University, the MOC is a collaborative effort among BU, Harvard, UMass Amherst, MIT, and Northeastern University, as well as the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

The MOC is funded by a $3M Commonwealth of Massachusetts MassTech Collaborative Matching Grant Award, and with more than $16M of matching grants from key industry participants.

With significant payoff to the public and private sectors, the MOC will be a catalyst for the economic development of business clusters that engage both industrial and academic institutions.